This is where you can find and order physical copies of my hand-printed and digital artwork. For any questions around items or to commission a specific piece of artwork, please send me an email at If an item is sold out, it’s possible that with enough interest I will be able to do another round of prints for it - if an item is a limited edition and will never be made available again, it will be noted in the item description.

Pandion haliaetus -
Linocut print
$60.00 - $75.00

Phalacrocorax auritus - Linocut print

$15.00 - $20.00

Mniotilta Varia -
Limited Edition Linocut print

$40.00 - $100.00

Nest - Linocut print

$15.00 - $20.00


Falco sparverius -
Linocut print

$35.00 - $45.00

Sturnella magna -
Drypoint intaglio print

$60.00 - $100.00

Setophaga fusca - Drypoint intaglio print

$60.00 - $100.00

Setophaga castanea - Drypoint intaglio print

$60.00 - $100.00

Cornus Florida - Linocut print

$10.00 - $15.00

Magnolia - Digital print


Knife Chicken - Digital print

Flaming Heron - Digital print

© Milo LeFort 2024